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Ten videos containing unedited footage, at least some of which appears to have been filmed for an "It's the Business" programme for Sainsbury's staff (mainly store management teams). "It's the Business" was the anchor business television programme on the "SMART" network (Sainsbury's Management and Retail Television). The Archive has a tape sleeve suggesting that an "It's the Business" programme was broadcast on 3 November 1998, and the contents are described as "Finchley Road, flagship store; Bob Parle - finger scanning; Ian Merton - millennium apple; Chocolate merchandising." However the Archive does not seem to have a recording of a programme broadcast on this date, or other programmes broadcast around the same time which might confirm exactly how all the footage was used.

- Unedited footage and interviews filmed at the Marden Fruit Show [a major fruit industry trade event, now named the National Fruit Show]. Includes Ian Merton from Sainsbury’s talking about the "Sainsbury’s Millennium Apple" (the Adams Pearmain).
- Unedited footage of interview with Adam Grant from L’Oreal (cosmetics supplier) about the benefits of using ‘in-store theatre’ in product displays to promote products, and about how Sainsbury’s had recently used in-store theatre for L’Oreal products.
- Unedited interviews and footage filmed at Nine Elms, London store (according to label on tape) relating to new confectionery displays, Reward Point terminals, and Sunny Delight orange drinks.
- Undigitized video labelled "Tesco", contents unclear.
- Unedited interviews and footage relating to the introduction of a new computer system. The system appears to have been used in the management of products including managing special promotions, sharing information with suppliers, and ordering stock. This is probably the "Collaborative Planning System" (CPS) and/or the "Sainsbury’s Information Direct" (SID) service which incorporated CPS.
- Unedited footage from the opening day of O2 Centre, 255 Finchley Road, Hampstead branch.