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Nine videos containing unedited footage probably for use in one or more business television programmes for Sainsbury's staff (mainly store management teams) broadcast on the "SMART" network (Sainsbury's Management and Retail Television) sometime around December 1998. The Archive does not appear to have digitized recordings of any programmes broadcast during this time to confirm exactly how the footage was used.

- Unedited footage relating to extensions to 176 George Lane, South Woodford branch and Sedlescombe Road (John MacAdam Way), Hastings branch. Includes construction work and the subsequent reopenings, and interviews with financial director Hamish Elvidge, central retail operations director Ken Barden, store services director Robin Anderson and branch staff.
- Unedited footage and interview filmed at "The Complete Christmas Exhibition" by Sainsbury’s, Homebase and Savacentre held at the Ramside Hall Hotel near Durham on Sunday 15th November 1998. This was an event at which members of the public could view the range of items sold at Sainsbury’s group stores at Christmas all in one place and sample some of the foods and drinks. It was a middle management development programme project involving staff from the local Sainsbury’s, Homebase and Savacentre stores and head office. Includes interview with Joe (Sainsbury's store manager, presumably from Durham store).